New release of VS Code Debug Adapter for Apache Camel 0.7.0

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There is a new release of VS Code extension Debug Adapter for Apache Camel 0.7.0 Available at Visual Studio Marketplace and Open VSX Registry. What’s changed Minimal version of Visual Studio Code to run this extension is 1.76.0 Bump default Camel JBang version to 3.20.5 New features Contextual Menu Added missing Contextual Menu item, to allow users execute Run Camel Application with JBang from right-click on integration file. Codelens Added missing Codelens item, to allow users execute Camel Run with JBang from codelenses inside opened integration file.

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Change Data Capture with Apache Camel and Debezium

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In this article, we will explore how to use Debezium and Apache Camel in conjunction with Quarkus to build a reactive application efficiently and send real-time changes from a database to a destination, such as webservice or message queue or another database. What is Debezium? Debezium is a distributed, event-driven data change platform used to capture data changes in database systems and send them to other systems in real time so that applications can respond to all database insertions, updates and deletions made by other applications.

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