Beans and dependencies in Karavan

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Beans and dependencies New Karavan preview release comes with Beans and dependencies configuration. Get it as a Standalone application or install VS Code extension from the Marketplace. Bean Configuration New Beans tab to configure Beans: Dependencies Configuration Configure Dependencies to access Beans outside Camel: DSL Bean mapping How to map Bean to DSL: just select from the list. Component Bean mapping How to map Bean to Component: just select from the list.

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VS Code Language support for Camel release 0.1.5

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A new release of VS Code Language support for Camel is available! This is the version 0.1.5. It comes with improvement in connected mode and several Camel versions upgrades. Connected mode hint For components which proposes connected mode, there is now a little hint on hover to help user to know that more completion is available with a configured connection to an instance. For reminder, the components leveraging this kind of feature are kafka, knative and kubernetes-*.

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Textual debug for Camel routes in VS Code, Eclipse Desktop and more

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Textual debug for Camel routes was announced in IntelliJ few weeks ago. It is now available in VS Code and Eclipse desktop with dedicated extensions. Scope The Camel Textual Route debugger is working locally. The debugger must be running on the same machine than the Camel application to debug. It is attaching to a running Camel route written in Java using the PID (Other Camel DSLs should work but have not been tested yet).

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