New release of VS Code Language Support for Apache Camel 0.0.31

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A new release of VS Code Language Support for Apache Camel 0.0.31 is available. It includes upgrade of Camel catalogs and catalog runtime provider selection setting. Camel Catalogs upgrades The default Camel catalog has been upgraded from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0. The Camel Kafka Connector catalog has been upgraded from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0. The Camel Quarkus catalog is provided with version 1.7.0. Runtime provider setting Depending on the runtime used, the Camel components can have subtle differences, or even not be compatible.

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Kamelet Catalog

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We’re starting a new initiative at Apache Camel to create a community-driven catalog of reusable Kamelets (Camel route snipp_ets_, i.e. connectors) that can be used to stream data from/to external systems into any platform powered by Apache Camel. The “Apache Camel Kamelet catalog” is available here and it already contains a collection of useful Kamelets: we would like to extend it with help of the community. Kamelets are currently supported out-of-the-box by the Apache Camel K project and we’re working to support them also in Camel core, so that they can run eventually in any Apache Camel subproject, like Camel Kafka Connector (but also camel-quarkus, camel-spring-boot, …).

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